Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daughter (11) sold for sex

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Cologne - How cruel can a mother? Monika F. (41) has sold its subsidiary (11) for sex games. On Wednesday she admitted in court all.
Monika F. has thrown away not only their own lives, but also that of her daughter Christina (now 14, last name destroyed). With a neighbor from Hürth in September 2006 the mother had sex for 50 euros fee.
"Then I offered him that he can have sex with my daughter," the defendants. The man accepted the offer. "I have given instructions to my daughter, how it will meet the man," read F. 's attorney. The suitor paid for child abuse 50 euros extra.
Through the Internet, picked up the next ten Monika F. customers. Only had sex with Monica in the car while Christina in the back seat a "Donald Duck comic book" reading. After the child was abused while photographing.
The confession resulted from Monica F., "to save my daughter, a statement in court." In Ossendorf jail the accused told they would sit for robbery in custody. Fearing that inmates might antun.Christina her something is in the custody of the youth welfare. She had confided in three months after the acts of a teacher.