Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Send Supervisory Miiller Mehdorn to the sidelines?

Berlin - The data scandal threatens Hartmut Mehdorn off track to throw. An increasing number of spying are aware. Louder and louder the calls for his resignation.
 Above all, train Ausichtsrats CEO Werner Müller and Transport Tiefensee are angry about the salami tactics Mehdorn.
On the question of whether as CEO Mehdorn is still preserved, a ministry spokesman said: "First of the situation must be solved."
Government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm said that this was also the position of Chancellor Merkel. Reportedly considered the CDU to clarify the Personnel Mehdorn until after the election.
Afternoon, but then demanded inter alia The SPD politician Wiefelspütz the resignation of the railway bosses.
And in the evening, reported the "Central German newspaper, citing coalition parties: The Board of Management of Deutsche Bahn AG, Werner Müller, Mehdorn would possibly replace temporary. This was not a government spokesman confirmed.
Find out more: Prosecutor determined in the spy scandal>