Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gem - the new star in the Zoo

Cologne - He's still a bit clumsy, but it is challenging the new star in the elephant house will not: The five-day-old bull "Yadanar Khin Min (Burmesisch for: victorious jewel) explores his world.
He does his Mama Aye Shan May (14) from the side - just like the other cows who gather as bodyguards for elephant mom and son.
There were even Zickenalarm. "We had opened on Wednesday because of the beautiful weather, the gates to the grounds," zoo veterinarian and elephant curator says Dr. Olaf Behlert. "One of the cows wanted to prevent rausläuft the little bull and got into a fight with the others." This was too much for the little rascal trunk - he stayed in there.
Matching the audience rush to the elephants, the zoo on Saturday and the next two Saturdays open until midnight, with music, dance and keepers hours.
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