Friday, April 30, 2010

Effenberg attack against Strunz: I think that's disgusting

Cologne / Munich - Small quarrel, great reconciliation. Effenberg is at the back and forth.
RTL broadcast on Sunday from the first episode on the life of ex-soccer player Stefan Effenberg and his wife Claudia, shows the couple desperate to find homes (he has sold his house in Florida to move in with her to Munich) and how he Finally, in the villa of Bastian Schweinsteiger in love.
The house prices are all in the millions - geklotzt there is not gekleckert. Who wants to live so noble, must make compromises in eating well.
While Stefan is on an important deadline, Claudia makes himself at home a ready-made curry sausage hot - in the micro. Mmmmh! Claudia smiles: "Essenstechnisch we are fully on the same wavelength." Claudia has not won at the "Perfect Game Dinner"?
Dinner is then jointly to Italian ...
The world is right again. But not if it goes to Claudia's ex-husband Thomas Strunz. This had seen the children only once this year, says YOU. And HE is the "disgusting".
More from the attacks Effenberg RTL has threatened for next Sunday.
What do you think of the new show in discussions Effenberg - regardless ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gladbach get 'ne gossip from Fortuna

Dusseldorf - Disabling alarm at the Borussia: Gladbach 1:3 decreased during the test match at Derby in Dusseldorf! "It's a long time since we have so conceded defeat," said coach Jos Luhukay, "Fortuna was just more aggressive."
What particularly irks him: Even after the fourth and final test ahead of the return lap start on Friday against Kaiserslautern he has not yet found a replacement for the injured intelligence chief Roel Brouwers (meniscus surgery). The experiment with midfield man Sebastian Svard on the side of the foreign central defender Filip Daems retrained for went wrong. Fortuna striker Christian Erwig ran away Daems, Svärd against Andreas Lambertz came too late - then fell 0-1 at third division.
Svärd and Daems Luhukay redeemed during the break. Sebastian tried out shafts, withdrew Patrick Paauwe and Eugen Polanski had a chance in the defensive midfield. But does not work either. Excavate asleep before Sebastian Heidinger 0-2, made his misfires with the least 1:2 up for it.
But Dusseldorf responded with a clever counter-football on the wing, Polanski tackles against Claus Costa into the void - that is 1:3. 3000 Fortuna fans sang: "Second Division, no one knows why." Congratulated Luhukay fair: "We deserved to lose. Dusseldorf, at this form. "Gladbach it does not.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ronaldo has trouble with transvestites

Rio de Janeiro - 2002 he won the world title and was a record-scorer of the celebrated star. In February, he withdrew during the league match of AC Milan against Livorno (1-1) einenPatellasehnenriss in the left knee. Since then, he's fighting for his comeback.
But now Brazil's Ronaldo super kickers with a sex scandal and police in the headlines.
The 31-year-old is accused of prostitutes who have not paid for services rendered. Especially piquant: The "ladies" are transvestites.
How can the media on Monday evening (local time revealed), was the world champion of 2002 in the early hours of Monday in einemStundenhotel in Rio de Janeiro in trouble with the transvestites. Ronaldo, who cured an injury in his hometown, musstezur clarify the situation to the police station. There, playing for AC Milan striker, "admitted psychological problems."
The three accused involved prostitutes Ronaldo before the Angabenzufolge who have paid the agreed amount, and denied drug konsumiertzu. One of the transvestites filmed the discussion imStundenhotel and put the short video, even on the Internet.
One of the transvestites, Andre Albertino, reported in TV interviews, he and two other "ladies" had zumMontag spent the night with Ronaldo in the hour hotel. To prove he was holding a steering wheel, the Ronaldo allegedly left a "Bürgschaftfür a later payment" of its debt was in the cameras.
Then there was watching real name Ronaldo Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima. In the video to the Internet a disgruntled Ronaldo is seen undAlbertinos voice heard: "To prove that you're there."
Ronaldo's spokesman denied the alleged drug use. Ronaldo was the victim of a blackmail attempt. "The athlete Ronaldo has never used drugs himself," it says. Ronaldo himself is silent on all charges.
The case with the commissioner Carlos Augusto responsible Nogueirasagte to journalists, meanwhile, Ronaldo was replaced by "credible". The player, who was angezeigtworden also because of threat of violence, had assured that he had with weiblichenProstituierten want to have fun and was the Transvestitengetäuscht. He was blackmailed by the men who had 50,000 real (required knapp20.000 euros), had been.
Also of interest
Ronaldo injured
Ronaldo - the best pictures

Monday, April 12, 2010

Charity Gala in Aid of Dolphin Intercontinental

Dusseldorf - Wow, this woman is sexy! Barbara Becker moved to the "Dolphin's Night" at the Intercontinental at the Kings all the attention. Her beautiful face, discreetly made, a simple black dress and this shoes, would so many men to rob the last reason.
But the gentleman who accompanied her to her friend's charity gala Kiki Kuhnert, did not come with her into temptation. Carsten Thamm is in a relationship for 13 years with Berlin Star Figaro Udo Walz. And Babs? "I'm solo," admitted the 40-year-old. Most recently she was with her fitness trainer Stan together, talked with EXPRESS möglihes even a third child. "That was a year ago ..."
Nonetheless, she is in love: "In two baby orang-utan in a zoo in Florida - my godchildren." On her beauty betrayed her recipe: "Always wear an old part like this dress from the 40s. Then one looks younger. And embrace: Always full of life! "
Dolphin-Aid-founder and president Kiki Kuhnert embraced this evening, almost all of the 450 guests. One of them very firmly: "My favorite people!" Christopher - since the World Cup their friend. "I'm so happy ..." Charity told the queen of hearts. Once again, like their gala family event, the joy, set (with special guest: Marquess) and moved her to tears. "With the dolphin therapy to children in need, we can switch on in the light of life again," she said moving.
As with her son Tim (15), which was as a toddler after a pool accident in the vegetative state and after therapy woke up laughing. "The doctors thought he would only eight years old. Now he's up at the hotel celebrating with his friends on the teen party. "Flirt in mood Bernd was Herzsprung in the ballroom on the road. Well-tuned - on the contrary to last year's gala, where he sat with a straight face with Mrs. Barbara. In the meantime they are separated ...
"Change brings progress," says his motto. Soon he turns a revival of the series "5113". Was he the "Prince Charming" of the evening, there were also "real" Royal Highnesses Prince Poldi of Bavaria, the patron of Dolphin Aid, and Uschi Princess of Hohenlohe.
Biggi Lechtermann and Hugo Egon Balder moderated the evening included an auction. Tina Ruland, Countess Tamara Nayhauss, singer Irena Mobius, Norbert Dobeleit and Tamara Sedmak, Olympic champion Rolf Milser, René Heinersdorff, Frank te Neues and DJ John Juergens - join forces, they sold the lots. Logically, that brothel boss Bert Wollersheim vigorously arrived in Lostopf. As his new Cuban fiancee Yaneysis Cervantes was amazed ...
Late in the night was clear, the donation amount: "300 000" shouted for joy Kiki Kuhnert. "We have doubled our previous year's result. Magnificent! "

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Patient discharged from hospital without shoes

Dusseldorf - The staff of the old town soup kitchen at Castle Square is dismay and disbelief. On Monday night appeared to her a well-known medical care situations in their organization: Without shoes, with foot injuries, completely frozen and without a dime in his pocket.
The 46-year-old homeless Uwe D. was discharged a few hours earlier with a purulent inflammation of the forefoot and a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the Gerresheimer hospital. The foot injuries the man had only protected by bandages and Plastiküberzieher.
First, Marion Gather entertained of the soup kitchen suspect Uwe D. could have himself discharged from the hospital. But the social workers, the patient was able to submit a preliminary letter of surgery, which confirmed his dismissal.
For Marion Gather impudence. "It's incredible how the hospital treats its homeless patients! The poor man had to be all the way from Gerresheim to penetrate into the old town. "
Even more, she grieves that the hospital should have known that Uwe D. has a caregiver who cares for him. "But that was not even informed about the dismissal of his protege."
In addition, the hospital still had a social service that would have the patient in an institution for homeless people can get.
Gerresheimer the hospital is the unpleasant incident. In a letter to Express says: "By regularly connecting the feet to the lack of footwear is not noticed. The employees involved regret the incident. We'll get back together with Uwe D. and strive to redress. "
Uwe D. was taught in the meantime, the soup kitchen to a care facility, and then cured from his injury.