Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ronaldo has trouble with transvestites

Rio de Janeiro - 2002 he won the world title and was a record-scorer of the celebrated star. In February, he withdrew during the league match of AC Milan against Livorno (1-1) einenPatellasehnenriss in the left knee. Since then, he's fighting for his comeback.
But now Brazil's Ronaldo super kickers with a sex scandal and police in the headlines.
The 31-year-old is accused of prostitutes who have not paid for services rendered. Especially piquant: The "ladies" are transvestites.
How can the media on Monday evening (local time revealed), was the world champion of 2002 in the early hours of Monday in einemStundenhotel in Rio de Janeiro in trouble with the transvestites. Ronaldo, who cured an injury in his hometown, musstezur clarify the situation to the police station. There, playing for AC Milan striker, "admitted psychological problems."
The three accused involved prostitutes Ronaldo before the Angabenzufolge who have paid the agreed amount, and denied drug konsumiertzu. One of the transvestites filmed the discussion imStundenhotel and put the short video, even on the Internet.
One of the transvestites, Andre Albertino, reported in TV interviews, he and two other "ladies" had zumMontag spent the night with Ronaldo in the hour hotel. To prove he was holding a steering wheel, the Ronaldo allegedly left a "Bürgschaftfür a later payment" of its debt was in the cameras.
Then there was watching real name Ronaldo Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima. In the video to the Internet a disgruntled Ronaldo is seen undAlbertinos voice heard: "To prove that you're there."
Ronaldo's spokesman denied the alleged drug use. Ronaldo was the victim of a blackmail attempt. "The athlete Ronaldo has never used drugs himself," it says. Ronaldo himself is silent on all charges.
The case with the commissioner Carlos Augusto responsible Nogueirasagte to journalists, meanwhile, Ronaldo was replaced by "credible". The player, who was angezeigtworden also because of threat of violence, had assured that he had with weiblichenProstituierten want to have fun and was the Transvestitengetäuscht. He was blackmailed by the men who had 50,000 real (required knapp20.000 euros), had been.
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Ronaldo injured
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