Friday, April 30, 2010

Effenberg attack against Strunz: I think that's disgusting

Cologne / Munich - Small quarrel, great reconciliation. Effenberg is at the back and forth.
RTL broadcast on Sunday from the first episode on the life of ex-soccer player Stefan Effenberg and his wife Claudia, shows the couple desperate to find homes (he has sold his house in Florida to move in with her to Munich) and how he Finally, in the villa of Bastian Schweinsteiger in love.
The house prices are all in the millions - geklotzt there is not gekleckert. Who wants to live so noble, must make compromises in eating well.
While Stefan is on an important deadline, Claudia makes himself at home a ready-made curry sausage hot - in the micro. Mmmmh! Claudia smiles: "Essenstechnisch we are fully on the same wavelength." Claudia has not won at the "Perfect Game Dinner"?
Dinner is then jointly to Italian ...
The world is right again. But not if it goes to Claudia's ex-husband Thomas Strunz. This had seen the children only once this year, says YOU. And HE is the "disgusting".
More from the attacks Effenberg RTL has threatened for next Sunday.
What do you think of the new show in discussions Effenberg - regardless ...