Saturday, March 13, 2010

Heino soon as a musical?

Dusseldorf - He puts on such Heino, Heino and he talks like he sings like Heino. Carlo Caroll alias Wolfgang Karl Prumm (48) appears as a double of Germany's best-known hit bard.
But that was not enough for him. Carroll wants to equal a whole Heino musical set on the legs. "And although in Dusseldorf," says economist and trained in hotel management. "This is, after Heinos hometown."
The baker's apprentice to a superstar - the basis of the best known Heino songs to be told the life of the native Oberbilk. "All the negative messages that are circulating currently about Heino, he has not earned easily," said Carroll, referring to Heinos collapse, the guitar case and the related financial claims against the singer.
 The originating idea for the musical is not the way grown on Carroll's crap. The Leipzig Production Classic Art had planned to carry out this project in Gotha by the end of 2008.
"I was cast, and was intended for the role," says Carroll and stressed: "I am the only one who does not playback." But in mid-November came from the preliminary. The City Council of Gotha did not co-finance the production.
 Carroll wants to keep fighting, "Heino has hell of a lot done for Germany. So I want to install the musical at a fixed location. I am looking for just the right partners and sponsors for this. "A question in the OB office he has already started. Heinos approval is still pending.