Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vice Obermöhn Ina makes us the Evi

Bonn --
In Bonn is Ina Harder, wife of event manager Jürgen Harder, known as a spotted dog. Four years ago, put the pins a great temperament Jecke session as Bonna out with her prince Rico Fenoglio.
For over ten years, the buxom brunette probably the most popular girl in the Bonn meeting room and moderated a little lacking in other respects on carnival event. And now there is still a new Office of Ina added. "As vice Obermöhn the Old Lady Beueler Committee, I represent this session our Obermöhn Evi Zwiebler. Fortunately, I have a nice boss, my question with "Do se mal commented," "says Ina.
But despite all of Ina does not create all appointments alone. "I have to deal with emergencies, two representatives: Ex-launderers princesses Patty burgundy and Anja Kranz." And while Ina is an old hand in the carnival business, she is excited before arguably the most important date of the proclamation of the scrubber Beueler Princess: "Even if I do a lot of experience collected as a presenter or as Bonna had. Lead to the proclamation, which is a whole new challenge for me. Since I already have something Muffensausen. But fortunately, I will also actively supported by the Beueler district. "
We are convinced that Ina is also master the challenge with flying colors.