Friday, June 11, 2010

Circle drives DEG to Bear Hunting

Düsseldorf -
The DEG and their hockey demonstration in Hannover - at least since the 7-1 blowout (!) During direct pursuers> bursting the Düsseldorf only seems like self-confidence.
"It was a very decent performance from us," defensive Recke Korbinian Holzer said with a grin after the coup on a leash. "The need to create first." Scorpions coach Hans Zach after the humiliation: "We had no chance against this savvy, quick and clever DEG."
The won 15 games since November of 31 of 45 possible points. "We've found us, now always find a way to win," said striker Patrick Reimer bold. "Are we playing so we can beat any opponent." Includes the seemingly hurried Berliners. The weakened least 2:5 in Augsburg went under - now blow the MetroStars for the bear hunt!
Powered by Harold circle that has done it again, just to put the troops at the right moment on the road to success. The coach also managed the success in the preseason, when he was the team after a wild roller coaster ride until 3:00 and took place only in the fourth Playoff-final was halted by the polar bears. Harry formed a keen sense of the proper installation, three homogeneous storm series (seven attackers have shot ten or more goals), represents the best and the strongest anti-DEL DEL-outnumbered formation. This also makes impression in the capital. "We have a respect for heath of DEG," admits Berlin's manager and ex-DEG-idol Peter-John Lee.
The appreciation for the MetroStars is no coincidence: In two previous duels it set against the Düsseldorf namely hefty defeats for the master troop: 3:7 in the local O2 World, 2:6 at the ISS Dome.
Although Berlin currently has 15 point lead. But even one more game on the account. And there are two direct comparisons with DEG on the board ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gem - the new star in the Zoo

Cologne - He's still a bit clumsy, but it is challenging the new star in the elephant house will not: The five-day-old bull "Yadanar Khin Min (Burmesisch for: victorious jewel) explores his world.
He does his Mama Aye Shan May (14) from the side - just like the other cows who gather as bodyguards for elephant mom and son.
There were even Zickenalarm. "We had opened on Wednesday because of the beautiful weather, the gates to the grounds," zoo veterinarian and elephant curator says Dr. Olaf Behlert. "One of the cows wanted to prevent rausläuft the little bull and got into a fight with the others." This was too much for the little rascal trunk - he stayed in there.
Matching the audience rush to the elephants, the zoo on Saturday and the next two Saturdays open until midnight, with music, dance and keepers hours.
More videos on TV-EXPRESS>

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"My family makes me so strong"

It still floats on air, her eyes spray more than usual No wonder, as Sara Nuru (19) "Germany's next Topmodel".
With her stunning charm, and her dream body (dimensions: 80-66-96), the Munich-wrapped with the Ethiopian roots not only the judges Heidi Klum Peyman Amin Rolf Scheider and around her little finger - it galvanized the entire Cologne LanxessArena.
"Germany's next Sunshine" - as she reveals EXPRESS, whom she loves what she likes and where she wants to go: Click Here>

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kati Wilhelm wins gold at biathlon World Cup

Pyengchang - huge success for the German women's biathlon: Kati Wilhelm won gold in the sprint at the World Championships in China's Pyeongchang.
The German double victory made perfect Simone Hauswald from Gosheim with a delay of 9.9 seconds.
Secured the bronze at the shooting range also flawless Russian Olga Saizewa.
For pitch against Magdalena Neuner (Wallgau). It contributed to the 7.5-kilometer route three shooting errors and ran in eighth place. Defending champion Andrea Henkel (Großbreienbach) was sixth.
The German women won for the fourth consecutive sprint titles.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Send Supervisory Miiller Mehdorn to the sidelines?

Berlin - The data scandal threatens Hartmut Mehdorn off track to throw. An increasing number of spying are aware. Louder and louder the calls for his resignation.
 Above all, train Ausichtsrats CEO Werner Müller and Transport Tiefensee are angry about the salami tactics Mehdorn.
On the question of whether as CEO Mehdorn is still preserved, a ministry spokesman said: "First of the situation must be solved."
Government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm said that this was also the position of Chancellor Merkel. Reportedly considered the CDU to clarify the Personnel Mehdorn until after the election.
Afternoon, but then demanded inter alia The SPD politician Wiefelspütz the resignation of the railway bosses.
And in the evening, reported the "Central German newspaper, citing coalition parties: The Board of Management of Deutsche Bahn AG, Werner Müller, Mehdorn would possibly replace temporary. This was not a government spokesman confirmed.
Find out more: Prosecutor determined in the spy scandal>

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Only 198,000 swimmers

Dusseldorf - "This summer was a disaster," complained Düsseldorf baths Chief Rudiger Steinmetz in 2002, when only 260,000 visitors came to the swimming baths - and cursing the "lousy weather".
That it could still worse, he had no idea. Now, therefore, sends the summer break of 2007, minus the record. Pending 198,000 this weekend came just swimmers.
Rüdiger Steinmetz and can not hide the disappointment: "This is the worst result ever," Compared to last year around 380,000 visitors) (the numbers fell significantly to 48 percent. Since it also does not help that in Benrath to the start of the season the pool for 3 million euros has been pimped (EXPRESS reported).
That there would be no Burner-year, already hinted at in July. Compared to the same month last year 68,654 visitors came with 73.5 percent less. That could hardly make up for the August. If he wanted, but probably not. For ending, despite good starts with lots of rain and moderate temperatures around 15 to 20 degrees.
   However, the spa association does not want to place them. For now, the pools remain open. Maybe it comes in September or a period of fine weather, the dismal track record of a little polished.
 Small consolation, too, the other outdoor pools in NRW fared no better. Many have not even half of the attendance of a year earlier. Less than 50 swimmers per day counted the head of the swimming stadium in Cologne. In Essen, only 230,000 came to swim - in 2006 there were twice as many.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The mega-<br/> divorce: She gets 32 million

London - It was worth it! Heather Mills (40) collected for their four-year marriage to Paul McCartney (65) converted 32 million euros. The former model was found after the verdict on Monday, very satisfied.
For months, was puzzled over the sum. Since yesterday, thing is certain: The McCartney divorce is the most expensive in British history. The ugly war of roses with her ex-husband has paid off for Heather Mills. Equivalent of 32 million euros talked to her, the Supreme Court of England.
Nearly four years elapsed between the filing of the marriage and divorce. That makes eight million for each year of marriage, or nearly $ 1,000 per hour. Not a bad set!
The sum is composed as follows: Paul McCartney has 25 years of his younger ex-wife to pay an indemnity of 16.5 million pounds (22 million euros). Moreover, it should keep Mills from the joint assets totaling 7.8 million pounds of marriage (ten million). Pay for his daughter Beatrice (4) must McCartney and 45,000 euros each year to pay for her nanny and school fees for.
"I am very happy with this decision," Mills told reporters as she emerged from the court. Although she is said to have initially demanded the equivalent of 163 million euros. McCartney had her in the proceedings, but "even offered to approximately ten million less than I have prevailed," said the millionaire ex-model now proudly.
The ex-Beatle left the court in London without speaking to the press. Both sides were committed by Judge Hugh Bennett, until further notice to keep secret all other details of the divorce settlement.
At the musicians are starving, even after the costly separation does not gnaw. His fortune is estimated at 1.1 billion euros. Nevertheless, the mudslinging is likely, in the Heather him names as misogyny bats, now be over.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Effenberg attack against Strunz: I think that's disgusting

Cologne / Munich - Small quarrel, great reconciliation. Effenberg is at the back and forth.
RTL broadcast on Sunday from the first episode on the life of ex-soccer player Stefan Effenberg and his wife Claudia, shows the couple desperate to find homes (he has sold his house in Florida to move in with her to Munich) and how he Finally, in the villa of Bastian Schweinsteiger in love.
The house prices are all in the millions - geklotzt there is not gekleckert. Who wants to live so noble, must make compromises in eating well.
While Stefan is on an important deadline, Claudia makes himself at home a ready-made curry sausage hot - in the micro. Mmmmh! Claudia smiles: "Essenstechnisch we are fully on the same wavelength." Claudia has not won at the "Perfect Game Dinner"?
Dinner is then jointly to Italian ...
The world is right again. But not if it goes to Claudia's ex-husband Thomas Strunz. This had seen the children only once this year, says YOU. And HE is the "disgusting".
More from the attacks Effenberg RTL has threatened for next Sunday.
What do you think of the new show in discussions Effenberg - regardless ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gladbach get 'ne gossip from Fortuna

Dusseldorf - Disabling alarm at the Borussia: Gladbach 1:3 decreased during the test match at Derby in Dusseldorf! "It's a long time since we have so conceded defeat," said coach Jos Luhukay, "Fortuna was just more aggressive."
What particularly irks him: Even after the fourth and final test ahead of the return lap start on Friday against Kaiserslautern he has not yet found a replacement for the injured intelligence chief Roel Brouwers (meniscus surgery). The experiment with midfield man Sebastian Svard on the side of the foreign central defender Filip Daems retrained for went wrong. Fortuna striker Christian Erwig ran away Daems, Svärd against Andreas Lambertz came too late - then fell 0-1 at third division.
Svärd and Daems Luhukay redeemed during the break. Sebastian tried out shafts, withdrew Patrick Paauwe and Eugen Polanski had a chance in the defensive midfield. But does not work either. Excavate asleep before Sebastian Heidinger 0-2, made his misfires with the least 1:2 up for it.
But Dusseldorf responded with a clever counter-football on the wing, Polanski tackles against Claus Costa into the void - that is 1:3. 3000 Fortuna fans sang: "Second Division, no one knows why." Congratulated Luhukay fair: "We deserved to lose. Dusseldorf, at this form. "Gladbach it does not.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ronaldo has trouble with transvestites

Rio de Janeiro - 2002 he won the world title and was a record-scorer of the celebrated star. In February, he withdrew during the league match of AC Milan against Livorno (1-1) einenPatellasehnenriss in the left knee. Since then, he's fighting for his comeback.
But now Brazil's Ronaldo super kickers with a sex scandal and police in the headlines.
The 31-year-old is accused of prostitutes who have not paid for services rendered. Especially piquant: The "ladies" are transvestites.
How can the media on Monday evening (local time revealed), was the world champion of 2002 in the early hours of Monday in einemStundenhotel in Rio de Janeiro in trouble with the transvestites. Ronaldo, who cured an injury in his hometown, musstezur clarify the situation to the police station. There, playing for AC Milan striker, "admitted psychological problems."
The three accused involved prostitutes Ronaldo before the Angabenzufolge who have paid the agreed amount, and denied drug konsumiertzu. One of the transvestites filmed the discussion imStundenhotel and put the short video, even on the Internet.
One of the transvestites, Andre Albertino, reported in TV interviews, he and two other "ladies" had zumMontag spent the night with Ronaldo in the hour hotel. To prove he was holding a steering wheel, the Ronaldo allegedly left a "Bürgschaftfür a later payment" of its debt was in the cameras.
Then there was watching real name Ronaldo Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima. In the video to the Internet a disgruntled Ronaldo is seen undAlbertinos voice heard: "To prove that you're there."
Ronaldo's spokesman denied the alleged drug use. Ronaldo was the victim of a blackmail attempt. "The athlete Ronaldo has never used drugs himself," it says. Ronaldo himself is silent on all charges.
The case with the commissioner Carlos Augusto responsible Nogueirasagte to journalists, meanwhile, Ronaldo was replaced by "credible". The player, who was angezeigtworden also because of threat of violence, had assured that he had with weiblichenProstituierten want to have fun and was the Transvestitengetäuscht. He was blackmailed by the men who had 50,000 real (required knapp20.000 euros), had been.
Also of interest
Ronaldo injured
Ronaldo - the best pictures

Monday, April 12, 2010

Charity Gala in Aid of Dolphin Intercontinental

Dusseldorf - Wow, this woman is sexy! Barbara Becker moved to the "Dolphin's Night" at the Intercontinental at the Kings all the attention. Her beautiful face, discreetly made, a simple black dress and this shoes, would so many men to rob the last reason.
But the gentleman who accompanied her to her friend's charity gala Kiki Kuhnert, did not come with her into temptation. Carsten Thamm is in a relationship for 13 years with Berlin Star Figaro Udo Walz. And Babs? "I'm solo," admitted the 40-year-old. Most recently she was with her fitness trainer Stan together, talked with EXPRESS möglihes even a third child. "That was a year ago ..."
Nonetheless, she is in love: "In two baby orang-utan in a zoo in Florida - my godchildren." On her beauty betrayed her recipe: "Always wear an old part like this dress from the 40s. Then one looks younger. And embrace: Always full of life! "
Dolphin-Aid-founder and president Kiki Kuhnert embraced this evening, almost all of the 450 guests. One of them very firmly: "My favorite people!" Christopher - since the World Cup their friend. "I'm so happy ..." Charity told the queen of hearts. Once again, like their gala family event, the joy, set (with special guest: Marquess) and moved her to tears. "With the dolphin therapy to children in need, we can switch on in the light of life again," she said moving.
As with her son Tim (15), which was as a toddler after a pool accident in the vegetative state and after therapy woke up laughing. "The doctors thought he would only eight years old. Now he's up at the hotel celebrating with his friends on the teen party. "Flirt in mood Bernd was Herzsprung in the ballroom on the road. Well-tuned - on the contrary to last year's gala, where he sat with a straight face with Mrs. Barbara. In the meantime they are separated ...
"Change brings progress," says his motto. Soon he turns a revival of the series "5113". Was he the "Prince Charming" of the evening, there were also "real" Royal Highnesses Prince Poldi of Bavaria, the patron of Dolphin Aid, and Uschi Princess of Hohenlohe.
Biggi Lechtermann and Hugo Egon Balder moderated the evening included an auction. Tina Ruland, Countess Tamara Nayhauss, singer Irena Mobius, Norbert Dobeleit and Tamara Sedmak, Olympic champion Rolf Milser, René Heinersdorff, Frank te Neues and DJ John Juergens - join forces, they sold the lots. Logically, that brothel boss Bert Wollersheim vigorously arrived in Lostopf. As his new Cuban fiancee Yaneysis Cervantes was amazed ...
Late in the night was clear, the donation amount: "300 000" shouted for joy Kiki Kuhnert. "We have doubled our previous year's result. Magnificent! "

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Patient discharged from hospital without shoes

Dusseldorf - The staff of the old town soup kitchen at Castle Square is dismay and disbelief. On Monday night appeared to her a well-known medical care situations in their organization: Without shoes, with foot injuries, completely frozen and without a dime in his pocket.
The 46-year-old homeless Uwe D. was discharged a few hours earlier with a purulent inflammation of the forefoot and a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the Gerresheimer hospital. The foot injuries the man had only protected by bandages and Plastiküberzieher.
First, Marion Gather entertained of the soup kitchen suspect Uwe D. could have himself discharged from the hospital. But the social workers, the patient was able to submit a preliminary letter of surgery, which confirmed his dismissal.
For Marion Gather impudence. "It's incredible how the hospital treats its homeless patients! The poor man had to be all the way from Gerresheim to penetrate into the old town. "
Even more, she grieves that the hospital should have known that Uwe D. has a caregiver who cares for him. "But that was not even informed about the dismissal of his protege."
In addition, the hospital still had a social service that would have the patient in an institution for homeless people can get.
Gerresheimer the hospital is the unpleasant incident. In a letter to Express says: "By regularly connecting the feet to the lack of footwear is not noticed. The employees involved regret the incident. We'll get back together with Uwe D. and strive to redress. "
Uwe D. was taught in the meantime, the soup kitchen to a care facility, and then cured from his injury.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vice Obermöhn Ina makes us the Evi

Bonn --
In Bonn is Ina Harder, wife of event manager Jürgen Harder, known as a spotted dog. Four years ago, put the pins a great temperament Jecke session as Bonna out with her prince Rico Fenoglio.
For over ten years, the buxom brunette probably the most popular girl in the Bonn meeting room and moderated a little lacking in other respects on carnival event. And now there is still a new Office of Ina added. "As vice Obermöhn the Old Lady Beueler Committee, I represent this session our Obermöhn Evi Zwiebler. Fortunately, I have a nice boss, my question with "Do se mal commented," "says Ina.
But despite all of Ina does not create all appointments alone. "I have to deal with emergencies, two representatives: Ex-launderers princesses Patty burgundy and Anja Kranz." And while Ina is an old hand in the carnival business, she is excited before arguably the most important date of the proclamation of the scrubber Beueler Princess: "Even if I do a lot of experience collected as a presenter or as Bonna had. Lead to the proclamation, which is a whole new challenge for me. Since I already have something Muffensausen. But fortunately, I will also actively supported by the Beueler district. "
We are convinced that Ina is also master the challenge with flying colors.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Committee witness Mertel dead

Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler --
Rainer Mertel is dead, the spa director of Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and witness in the inquiry Nürburgring succumbed to the effects of a heart attack, which he on the 18th December had just suffered after his testimony in the inquiry of the Rhineland-Palatinate Landtag in Mainz. The Board of Ministers for the spa treatment Aktiengesellschaft Bad Neuenahr was 64 years old.
The county government Ahrweiler confirmed on Tuesday a report in the Koblenz Rhein-Zeitung.
The Committee for the burst of private funding around 300 million euros expensive amusement parks in the Eifel Mertel had been questioned about his time as chief executive of the Nürburgring GmbH. He said, inter alia, to its recently released successor to the race track, Walter Kafitz, and made a tidy and healthy impression.
Immediately afterwards Mertel complained of feeling unwell. With ventricular fibrillation, he was in the Mainz University Clinic gebracht.Mertel had spent about ten years at the head of the country's largely been Nurburgring GmbH. Since the mid-90s he was a spa director of Bad Neuenahr. Mertel was considered a pioneer of innovation in the German spa.

Friday, March 19, 2010

She was my dream woman

Bonn - white shirt, black pants: The murderer of a kindergarten teacher Sandra H. († 32) sits on the dock when he could not melt murky.
But the former pimp who stabbed his ex with a combat knife.
Helmut B. (42): "Actually I wanted to kill me in front of her, unless she comes back to me."
Helmut B. acts very loose, as he answered questions from Judge Udo Buhren. Has lost 20 kilograms after the masons, the brawny murder. The accused: "I deeply regret the deed every day."
The version of the accused: Helmut B. stuck on 8 August 2007 be flashy knife for all to see in his trouser belt. Example: "I wanted to talk to Sandra, she had never really end."
Sandra B. pursued to the house of her new friend in Wachtberg. He put it on the front door. Said he wanted to kill himself before her.
Sandra is said to have shouted at him: "That you have no eggs." Too much for the mason. Example: "Since then I have to be freaked out." B. can not remember how he stabbed Sandra in the hallway and tried to kill himself.
The couple had met two years earlier at a party rocker of Hells Angels in Neunkirchen. Helmut B.: "She was my dream woman. Everything worked, even the sex. "
His counsel Uwe Krechel proceeds from an act on impulse. It is based on the Vorgutachten the psychiatrist, Dr. Wolf Gerlich, of the perpetrators is a profound disturbance of consciousness can not be excluded.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Heino soon as a musical?

Dusseldorf - He puts on such Heino, Heino and he talks like he sings like Heino. Carlo Caroll alias Wolfgang Karl Prumm (48) appears as a double of Germany's best-known hit bard.
But that was not enough for him. Carroll wants to equal a whole Heino musical set on the legs. "And although in Dusseldorf," says economist and trained in hotel management. "This is, after Heinos hometown."
The baker's apprentice to a superstar - the basis of the best known Heino songs to be told the life of the native Oberbilk. "All the negative messages that are circulating currently about Heino, he has not earned easily," said Carroll, referring to Heinos collapse, the guitar case and the related financial claims against the singer.
 The originating idea for the musical is not the way grown on Carroll's crap. The Leipzig Production Classic Art had planned to carry out this project in Gotha by the end of 2008.
"I was cast, and was intended for the role," says Carroll and stressed: "I am the only one who does not playback." But in mid-November came from the preliminary. The City Council of Gotha did not co-finance the production.
 Carroll wants to keep fighting, "Heino has hell of a lot done for Germany. So I want to install the musical at a fixed location. I am looking for just the right partners and sponsors for this. "A question in the OB office he has already started. Heinos approval is still pending.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Only via a detour into the playoffs ...

Cologne --
Before the season was part of the Cologne Sharks of the "direct playoff qualification issued" as destination. According to a bankruptcy prevails in Hanover, the eighth in nine away games, with ten matches before the end of the main round great disillusionment: "We do not currently need to squint at # 6," said managing director Thomas Eichin. Indirectly via pre-playoffs, where four teams (place 7 to 10) can take two more later the ticket for the playoff quarterfinals, is to prevent another meltdown. However, it is up to 11th place just four points ahead.
Eichin warns: "We must simply be more effective abroad. Each player has a chance to prove themselves. "Only those who will now display performance, should get a new contract.
However, the pre-playoffs a hot pavement, opponents such as Mannheim, Frankfurt, or threaten to Ingolstadt. Beiem mode, best-of-three could also be concluded very quickly. The Sharks collapse?
Gauge may not remember: "These clubs we can beat everybody and there would be additional revenue." In the case of advancement, it would probably be in the quarterfinals against Berlin or Dusseldorf. "Berlin should not be, but most of DEG, we do not need us to hide!"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daughter (11) sold for sex

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Cologne - How cruel can a mother? Monika F. (41) has sold its subsidiary (11) for sex games. On Wednesday she admitted in court all.
Monika F. has thrown away not only their own lives, but also that of her daughter Christina (now 14, last name destroyed). With a neighbor from Hürth in September 2006 the mother had sex for 50 euros fee.
"Then I offered him that he can have sex with my daughter," the defendants. The man accepted the offer. "I have given instructions to my daughter, how it will meet the man," read F. 's attorney. The suitor paid for child abuse 50 euros extra.
Through the Internet, picked up the next ten Monika F. customers. Only had sex with Monica in the car while Christina in the back seat a "Donald Duck comic book" reading. After the child was abused while photographing.
The confession resulted from Monica F., "to save my daughter, a statement in court." In Ossendorf jail the accused told they would sit for robbery in custody. Fearing that inmates might antun.Christina her something is in the custody of the youth welfare. She had confided in three months after the acts of a teacher.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trulli with an opportunity to: 1 Victory Toyota

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Spa - The fuel loads, start with the Formula 1 drivers in the Belgian Grand Prix (Sunday, 14 clock, EXPRESS LiveTicker) show: Sensational First Giancarlo Fisichella (Force India-Mercedes) and World Cup tournament favorites Rubens Barrichello (BrawnGP-Mercedes) purchased their top times on low fuel in the tank. You need early on to the gas station.
This gives Toyota driver Jarno Trulli (third party) a good chance at first victory for the Cologne-based team. But World Cup Fourth Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull-Renault) and Nico Rosberg (Williams-Toyota) are in eighth and tenth still an outside chance.
After the Budapest-win and second place in Valencia champion Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), although available only in twelfth, but with a lot of fuel on board opportunities to score points.
Here are the Startauftstellung gasoline volumes: 1 Giancarlo Fisichella (Force India-Mercedes) 43 l2. Jarno Trulli (Toyota) 51.5 l3. Nick Heidfeld (BMW Sauber) 50 l4. Rubens Barrichello (BrawnGP-Mercedes) 39,5 l5. Kimi Räikkönen (Ferrari) 50 l6. Robert Kubica (BMW Sauber) 44 l7. Timo Glock (Toyota) 43.5 l8. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull-Renault) 57.5 l9. Mark Webber (Red Bull-Renault) 53 l10. Nico Rosberg (Williams-Toyota) 65 l11. Adrian Sutil (Force India-Mercedes) 73.5 l12. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren Mercedes) 88.5 l13. Fernando Alonso (Renault) 79.4 l14. Jenson Button (BrawnGP-Mercedes) 89.2 L15. Heikki Kovalainen (McLaren-Mercedes) 92 l16. Sebastien Buemi (Toro Rosso-Ferrari) 80 l17. Jaime Alguersuari (Toro Rosso-Ferrari) 99.5 kg18. Kazuki Nakajima (Williams-Toyota) 101.1 l19. Romain Grosjean (Renault) 99.7 l20. Luca Badoer (Ferrari) 86.5 l
Here also read: sensational pole for Fisichella - Vettel only Aft>

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Drugs hidden in a wheelchair

Bonn - A wheelchair as a drug-hopper: H. Yassin (38) hoarded hash and coke in his wheelchair. When passing through security screening policemen took a lot of drug bags out of the vehicle. Now the disabled sat before the judge.
Since the police had a good eye. A patrol observed on 29 August 2007 in the Godesberg Villichgasse Accessibility Yasin H. They checked him and landed a direct hit. The wheelchair was a rolling drug concealment.
An unfortunate coincidence officials came to their aid. They had asked Yasin H. identification. When the wheelchair pulled out his identity card, stuck a small bag of it. Contents: hash.
The policemen searched the wheelchair and rider were countless other bag. Thus Yassin had also deposited drugs in a cigarette box, stuck in a wheelchair.
The yield of the collection: Yasin H. drove 21.5 grams of hashish and 5.3 grams of cocaine through Bad Godesberg.
The drug Rolli Rider: "Everything for own consumption. The drug should be enough a month. I wanted to try coke as a painkiller. "His defense attorney Birgit Schurz:" A gaffe. So far, he is struck with soft drugs. "
Yasin H. sitting for three years in a wheelchair. During a fall from the balcony he sustained severe back injuries. From the hash of Moroccans can not be revealed.
In May 2006 when detectives caught him at first Toom Klau of shoes and appliances. Eighteen hours later the police found 135 grams of hashish on St. Michael's Square with him. The district court sentenced the indigent accessibility to 500 euro fine.
Now for the first time received a one-Yasin H. jail sentence. Judge Manfred Aps sentenced him to one year probation. Aps: "Drugs are not a permitted alternative despite illness."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Breitner ennobles Bayer

Leverkusen - Champion 1974th Exceptional defender. Rebel loser. Already a legend in his lifetime. Today, Paul Breitner is the "eye" of Bavaria.
He is watching new players. And he spied coming from opponents of Munich. He did so last Saturday, when Bayer beat Schalke 2-1. His verdict: "I'm impressed."
The bosses have certified Leverkusen Breitner, done an excellent job. "I've already counted the Leverkusen before the season the favorites for the title," says Breitner, "after the game against Schalke, I must say: I stand by my opinion."
Especially the very fast and technically very fine combination of football has put forward appeals to the 57-year-olds. "Labbadias team is always in motion, so technically always able to find a solution. I have to say: Bravo, Bayer. You have a good team, I am deeply impressed. "
Bayer's top scorer Patrick Helmes, who had logged on to the interest and the Bayern, Breitner predicted a great future. "He's quick, goal threat and has a very fine shooting technique."
With all this praise must be allowed but one question, Mr. Breitner: Grab your Bayer Munich locals away the title?
"What? You do not mean in all seriousness, "rumbles los Breitner," the FC Bayern will be champion, "It was just a question ... But a glance at the table shows that Leverkusen this year actually a word in the battle for the cup voice for.
Bayer greets from camping in the sun. Bayer has reached agreement with 31 hits behind Hoffenheim (34), the second most goals. And most of Germany's Rene Adler is number one with only 15 goals conceded the second-best defense) (behind Schalke.
And it should remain in Bielefeld and Bayer are also a hit, it comes next week for the really big duel. Then come to the site Bayern BayArena.
Then the big Bayern Leverkusen will call out to the dance. Let's see if Breitner is satisfied after the 90 minutes still believed that only his Munich qualify for the title.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Michelle Hunziker moderated by Gottschalk

Berlin - still in Mallorca "Wetten, dass.?" Output went swimming Michelle Hunziker for Thomas Gottschalk - in a hot bikini with handsome bathing cap.
Thommy That seems to have impressed mightily, for now, the former musicians of Eros Ramazzotti Thomas Gottschalk at derModeration is betting that ",..?" support.
Even with Next-edition of the ZDF show on 3 October in Freiburg is the 32-year-old to be there, reports the "Bild"-Zeitung.
Because the Showspontaner to be, learn Gottschalk Bets (59) and only the dieKandidaten know in the show. The blonde SchweizerinHunziker she will present him and the audience.
Thomas Gottschalk will perform as before the show, chat with denprominenten guests on the sofa and the stars on Bühnepräsentieren.
The new Moderatorenpaar for Germany's most successful show istbereits a great team. Already in 1998, the Gottschalk Hunzikerzusammen moderated with the Golden Camera Award. A Jahrspäter, the two spectators at the charity concert MichaelJackson & Friends through the program.